Monday, January 6, 2020

Columbus first voyage, 1493 Free Essay Example, 1000 words

Another island discovered by Columbus was Hispana (Columbus 2). Hispana was an island with fertile soils that rendered it valuable for exploration of wealth. In addition, Hispana had valuable gold and metals including iron. Columbus requested for ships from Lord Gabriel Sanchis to engage in further discovery in the sea and explore the full potential of the benefits of trading in the valuable minerals. His request for funding initiated the era of discovery that culminated to trade among European countries. It was victory to the world to discover the islands and their economic potential for trade. Columbus sent a letter to Luis De Santangel to express the victory achieved during the first voyage that explored the Indies. In the letter, Columbus illustrated the discovery of extensive islands, one of which he named San Salvador (Columbus and Felipe 104). Letter to Luis De Santangel was among the great leaders who advanced the contribution to support the voyage mission. Columbus, through the letter, intended to negotiate for funding to undertake other voyages. Addressing Luis De Santangel was a strategy by Columbus to prompt the need to enhance trade. We will write a custom essay sample on Columbus first voyage, 1493 or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now He shared the discovery of valuable minerals that demanded further exploration. This increased efforts to engage in trade and demarcation of boundaries. Columbus noted the fertile lands of Juana to warrant extensive discovery. Essentially, the letter represented expression of interest to engage in trade. It, therefore, is useful for the research on the first journey that marked the beginning of discoveries (Ayers 20). According to Berne, Columbus was discovered a new continent that he named Otro Mundo, meaning â€Å"another world† (Berne 102). The discovery affirmed his conviction that he was nearing the coast of Indies. Columbus’ discovery initiated Vasco de Gama to embark on similar missions. Vasco de Gama had sailed south the Horn of Africa and had reached the shores of India (Berne 103). Columbus explored an extensive land mass in the Indies. He claimed to discover the Garden of Eden. In his journey, some of the colonists rebelled against the leadership of the Columbus. In his first voyage, Columbus embarked on a pursuit of search for a western strait on the Indies (Berne 110). Columbus experiences a series of problems as he navigates across Atlantic. On his return to Spain, he spends his final years working on a book of privileges. Other explorers followed his we stward routes and found the civilization that existed there.

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